Workout of the Day: Sunday December 30th
Holiday Schedule: 12/31/18 8:00am only, 1/1/19 Closed, 1/2/19 Normal Schedule
For Time
400 meter Run
21 Cleans (185/135 lb)
21 Pull-Ups
400 meter Run
15 Dumbbell Thrusters (50/35 lb)
15 Pull-Ups
400 meter Run
9 Cleans (185/135 lb)
9 Pull-Ups
400 meter Run
Miguel Flores, a certified trainer and top-tier CrossFitter from San Diego, CA, died from injuries sustained in a car accident on December 8, 2008.
Per Rachel Medina of CF South San Clemente (San Clemente, CA, USA): Miguel was trapped in the car while first responders tried to pry him out with the jaws of life, but he could not get enough oxygen to his brain and unfortunately, at the age of 22, passed away after being on life support for several hours. He served in the Navy for 4 years.
Aushion Chatman posted the workout ("Miguel CFSD, A.K.A. McFlurry") in the CrossFit forum following Miguel's death, saying "These are all movements that Migs excelled at, he was one of the strongest young men I've ever met. And could run like the dickens."
Miguel was known to be a truly stellar athlete. He is credited with recording the world's first sub-2-minute "Fran" time (video). He also loved McFlurrys from McDonald’s - which is where his nickname (and the name of the WOD) came from.