Workout of the Day: Tuesday March 24th
2 Odd-Object Reverse Lunges
20 Odd-Object Lateral Hops
4 Odd-Object Reverse Lunges
20 Odd-Object Lateral Hops
6 Odd-Object Reverse Lunges
20 Odd-Object Lateral Hops
Continue to add (2) reverse lunges per round
Rest 2:00
2 Odd-Object Ground to Overhead
20 Odd-Object Lateral Hops
4 Odd-Object Ground to Overhead
20 Odd-Object Lateral Hops
6 Odd-Object Ground to Overhead
20 Odd-Object Lateral Hops
Continue to add (2) Odd-Object Ground to Overhead per round
*Odd Object can be anything! Example: Dumbbell, Kettelbell, Back Pack, Case, etc*