Workout of the Day: Saturday April 20


Isolation Stations

20 min AMRAP with partner:

2 rounds:
P1: 250/200m Row while P2: Hang from bar
P2: 250/200m Row while P1: Hang from bar
2 rounds
P1: 15 CTB pull ups while P2: HS hold on Wall
P2: 15 CTB pull ups while P1: HS hold on Wall
2 rounds
P1: 5 Wall walks while P2: Front Plank hold
P2: 5 Wall walks while P1: Front Plank hold

Score = Rounds & Reps



Lower Intensity Strength

Every 2:30, for 7:30 (3 sets):
8-10 Single Leg Feet Elevated Glute Bridges
*8-10/side every set
Brandon Farmer