Workout of the Day: Thursday April 4


Palindrome: Level 1

For time:
20 CTB pull up buy in
40-30-20-10 Calorie row
10-20-30-40 Burpee to 6in target
20 CTB pull up cash out

Time Cap: 20 Min

*women row 32/24/16/8 cals on rower


Palindrome: Level 2

For time:
20 pull up buy in
32-24-16-8 Calorie row
8-16-24-32 Burpee to 6in target
20 pull up cash out

Time Cap: 20 Min



3 alternating sets of:

12-15 Tall Kneeling Dumbbell Lateral Raises

Rest 30 seconds

12-15 Banded Pull Aparts
*thumbs up

Rest 30 seconds

Supinated Grip Passive Hang for 30 seconds
*feet supported if needed

Rest 30 seconds
Brandon Farmer