Workout of the Day: Wednesday September 13



For Time:

5 Rounds:

20/15 Calorie Row

10 Burpee Pull-ups

400 Meter Farmers Carry

3 Rounds:

20/15 Calorie Row

10 Burpee Pull-ups

400 Meter Farmers Carry

1 Round:

20/15 Calorie Row

10 Burpee Pull-ups

Dumbbells: (50/35)'s

Time Cap: 30 Minutes


Gymastics Primer

On The Minute x 6

Minute 1 - :30 Active Hang

Minute 2 - :30 High Plank

Minute 3 - 5 Negative Pull-Ups

Minute 4 - :25 Bottom of Push-Up Active Hold

Minute 5 - 8 Pull-Ups

Minute 6 - :20 Hand Release Push-Ups

Brandon Farmer