Workout of the Day: Tuesday <ay 21



EMOM 9 (3 Rounds):

Level 1:
Min 1: 50 Cross Over Singles
Min 2: 2 Rope Climbs (Legless: RX+)
Min 3: 10 Banded Empty Bar Deadlifts 

Level 2: 
Min 1: 50 Penguin Taps 
Min 2: 3 Rope Pulls 
Min 3: 10 Banded Empty Bar Deadlifts 



3 Min On / 2 Min Off; x 4 Rounds: 

2 rope climbs
50 double unders
10 deadlifts @ 225/155lb 
Max HSPU in remaining time

Score= HSPU per round
*Each round starts at the top & is scored separately 
*During 2 Min rest time: active recovery on machine of choice

2 rope climbs: 6 Strict Pull Ups
Dubs: 100 Singles
HSPU: Pike Push Ups 
Brandon Farmer
Workout of the Day: Monday May 20



Every 3 minutes, for 12 minutes (4 sets):
Back Rack Reverse Lunge
Set 1: 9 reps (/side)
Set 2: 7 reps (/side)
Set 3: 5 reps (/side)
Set 4: 3 reps (/side)


From the Window to the Wall

AMRAP 10: 
10 Wall Ball Shots @ 20/14 lbs
4 Shuttle Runs (50 feet= 1 run)

Score= Rounds & Reps
Brandon Farmer
Workout of the Day: Friday May 17



EMOM 3: 
5 Strict Press (light load)

- Rest 2 

EMOM 3: 
3 Push Press (moderate load)

- Rest 2

EMOM 3: 
1 Push Jerk (challenging load)


Take Flight

AMRAP 10: 
2,4,6,8,10 etc. Clean and jerks @ 115/80lb 
30-30-30-50-50-50-70 etc double under

Score= Rounds & Reps
Brandon Farmer
Workout of the Day: Thursday May 16


Murphy's Bleachers

For time: Partner Workout

800m run together
100 pull ups split as desired
800m run together
200 push ups split as desired
800m run together
300 air squats split as desired
800m run together

Time Cap: 38 Minutes
RX+: Vested
Brandon Farmer
Workout of the Day: Wednesday May 15



Every minute for 10 minutes (5 rounds):

Odd Rounds: Max Strict Pull-Ups 
Even Rounds: 6-8 Bent-Over Barbell Rows

*Increase weight each set for rows
*Score= Weight on barbell 



3-4-5 min AMRAPs:

10 box jump overs 24/20in
12 toes to bar
8 Dual DB hang power cleans @ 50/35lb 

--rest 1 min between sets--
*picking up where you left off
Brandon Farmer
Workout of the Day: Tuesday May 14


Strength: Back Squat

Every 2:30, for 10 minutes (4 sets):

Set 1: 5 reps @ 60%
Set 2: 3 reps @ 70%
Set 3: Max reps @ 80%
Set 4: Max reps @ 65%


Cross The Moat

AMRAP 16: 

Run 400 meters
20 Squat Clean Thrusters @ 135/95 lbs
Run 400 meters
30 Front Squats @ 115/85 lbs
Run 400 meters
MAX Hang Squat Snatches @ 95/65 lbs

Score= Total Hang Squat Snatches 
Goal= Have at least :90 to perform hang Squat snatches
Brandon Farmer
Workout of the Day: Monday May 13



Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets):

Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch

*2 sets light, 2 sets moderate, 2 sets tough but technical



Row Cals
American KB Swings 

- Rest 2

Echo Bike Cals
Dual KB Push Press 

Time Cap: 16 Min
RX KB: 53/35
Brandon Farmer
Workout of the Day: Sunday May 12



Every 2:30, for 7:30 (3 sets):
10 Barbell Bench Presses (2111 tempo)


Death By BBJO

EMOM 15 
Death By: Burpee Box Jump Over 

Score= Last Round Completed
*When eliminated: max Cal rower for remainder of workout 

Min 1: 1 Burpee box jump over
Min 2: 2 BBJO
Min 3: 3 BBJO ... 
Continue on until you cannot perform the BBJO count in the allotted minute. When you tap out, immediately start on the rower for the remainder of the workout. 
Brandon Farmer
Workout of the Day: Saturday May 11


For the Mammas

4 rounds for time with Partner:
400m med ball bear hug run @ 20/14lbs
40 med ball bear hug squats @ 20/14lbs 
40 push ups
40 pull ups

Time Cap: 35 Minutes
- Run together, split rest of work as desired



Every 2:30, for 7:30 (3 sets):
10 Barbell Bench Presses (2111 tempo)
Brandon Farmer
Workout of the Day: Friday May 10



Every 2:30, for 3 Sets: 
Back Rack Reverse Lunge

Set 1: 8 reps
Set 2: 6 reps
Set 3: 4 reps

*Building each set to a challenging set of 4


Walk The Plank

AMRAP 12: 
4 Wall Walks
8 Box Jump Overs 24/20 inches
12 V Ups
Score = Rounds & Reps
Brandon Farmer
Workout of the Day: Thursday May 9



Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
2 Split Jerk 
*2 sec pause in dip each rep



4 x 4 minute AMRAPS:
18/15 cal Echo bike
12 wall balls @ 20/14lb
6 Hand release deadlifts @ 155/105lb

-- 1 min rest picking up where you left off --

Score= Total Rounds & Reps


Strength Cash Out

3 min AMRAP:
Max Distance Single arm Overhead Weighters Carry @ 25/15lb Plate

*25ft turnarounds, must switch hands every 100ft and only every 100ft.
Brandon Farmer
Workout of the Day: Wednesday May 8


Hang Clean Strength

Every :30 x 12 Sets (6 Total Minutes): 
1 Hang Squat Clean

*The goal is to do all of the sets between 70-80%


Switch It Up

EMOMx 25 alternating:
Min 1: :40 max rep double unders
Min 2: :40 max cal row
Min 3: :40 max rep hang clean and jerks @ 95/65lb 
Min 4: :40 max rep lateral burpees over bar
Min 5: REST

Score= Total Reps
Brandon Farmer
Workout of the Day: Tuesday May 7


Strength: Part A & B

Strength Part A: TEST For Time:
30 Strict Pull-Ups

Time Cap: 8 minutes; score= time

@ 8 Minute Mark: 

EMOM 8: 
Odd Rounds: Chin Over The Bar Hold for 30 seconds
Even Rounds: 12-15 Straight Arm Banded Lat Pulldowns


Power Amanda

9-7-5 Reps for Time:
Bar Muscle-Up
Power Snatch @ 135/95 lbs

Time Cap: 13 minutes
*See notes for scaling options
Brandon Farmer
Workout of the Day: Monday May 6



Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Barbell Zombie Squat

Set 1: 12 reps
Set 2: 10 reps
Set 3: 8 reps
Set 4: 10 reps
Set 5: 12 reps 

*see notes


Truffle Shuffle

For Time:

10 Shuttle Runs 
100 feet Dual DB Walking Lunge @ 50/35 lbs
10 Shuttle Runs 
100 feet Dual DB Walking Lunge
10 Shuttle Runs 
25 Dumbbell Thrusters 
10 Shuttle Runs 

Time Cap: 14 minutes

Shuttle Runs: down & back 25 ft. = 1 rep
Brandon Farmer
Workout of the Day: Friday May 3



Every 2:30, for 10 minutes (4 sets):
8 Romanian Deadlifts (20X1 tempo)



3 Min on / 1 Min off x 4 Rounds: 

14/11 cal Echo bike
10 toes to bar
AMRAP Power Snatches (95/65)

Score= Total Snatches / round
Brandon Farmer
Workout of the Day: Wednesday May 1


Strength: TEST

Within 12 minutes:
10 Back Rack Reverse Lunges @ Max Load

*Work to a strong 10 (5/side) reps for the day in 12 minutes



3 Rounds for Time:

Run 400 meters
21 Kettle bell Swings @ 53/35
12 Pull-Ups

Time cap: 14 minutes
Brandon Farmer
Workout of the Day: Tuesday April 30



EMOM x 12:
Min 1-4: 2 Power Clean with 2 sec pause at mid-thigh
Min 5-8: 2 Power Clean with 2 sec pause at knee
Min 9-12: 2 Power Clean with 2 sec pause at 2" off floor


Flying V

AMRAP 12: 

40 double unders
5 Push Press
40 double unders
5 hang Power Cleans 
40 double unders
10 Push Press
40 double unders
10 hang Power cleans
40 double unders
15 Push Press
40 double unders
15 hang Power cleans 
... continue trend

Score = Total Reps
RX: 115/ 80
Modified: 60 Singles 
Brandon Farmer
Workout of the Day: Monday April 29



Every 2:30, for 12:30 (5 sets):
3 Barbell Bench Presses

*Building to a tough triple for the day
*2 sec FULL pause on each rep on the chest


Benchmark Test: ARCADE

For max reps:

Round 1:
30 sec Max Rep DB Goblet Squats @ 50/35lb 
30 sec Max Rep Single arm dumbbell power snatches @ 50/35lb **alternating hands
30 sec Max Rep Lateral Burpees Over Rower
30 sec Max Rep Box Jump Overs - 24/20”, step down
30 sec Max Rep Calorie Row
- Rest 30 sec b/t each movement
Round 2:
60 sec Max Rep DB Goblet Squats 
60 sec Max Rep Single arm dumbbell power snatches
60 sec Max Rep Lateral Burpees Over Rower
60 sec Max Rep Box Jump Overs
60 sec Max Rep Calorie Row
Rest 30 sec b/t each movement
Round 3:
90 sec Max Rep DB Goblet Squats 
90 sec Max Rep Single arm dumbbell power snatches 
90 sec Max Rep Lateral Burpees Over Rower
90 sec Max Rep Box Jump Overs 
90 sec Max Rep Calorie Row
Rest 30 sec b/t each movement
Brandon Farmer
Workout of the Day: Sunday April 28


Sunday Funday

AMRAP 10: 
1000 meter row 
Directly into AMRAP: 
30 Double Unders 
10 Dual KB Box Step Ups 

- Rest 2 

800 meter row
Directly into AMRAP: 
30 Cross over single unders 
10 Dual KB Hang Cleans

- Rest 2

400 meter row
Directly into AMRAP: 
30 Single Unders 
10 Dual KB Deadlifts 

Score: Each round scored for reps 
RX: 53/35 KB; 24/20 in box
Brandon Farmer